Good Bye - NooNoo
Fate sometimes can work in mysterious ways. We had him for only 3 1/2 years - and he was probably 2-3 years old when I was lucky enough to find him under a truck in an early morning and to have him enter our lives.
在 三年前一天的清早,我每天經過的巷子一台發財車下看見一個蠕動的白影子,我低下身子他就靠過來,從那天起Noo-noo就成為家中的一份子。緣分真是很奇妙的就這樣來了。
Go, noo-noo – don’t worry about me, go and join the others,I’m sure Kitty, Junior and A-Mu will be glad to have you.Take good care of each other, will you guys!
放心走吧! 我的寶貝,不要掛心我,去吧,加入他們吧! 我相信 Kitty, Junior 以及 A-Mu 會很歡迎你! 好好照顧彼此,好嗎?
There will never be another like you. I’m missing you already,Yet I am so thankful that you came into my life.I miss the time you cuddled yourself and lay aside my pillow.I miss how you push your nose into my armpit. I miss yourcute face when I’m in the toilet. I miss your soft purrs andyour touch of the paws.
這世上再也不會有另一個你 ~ 媽咪已開始想你了!
You were such a treasure furpal to me and I love you so so much.I look forward to the day when we can once again see one another in heaven.
Love you… mum永遠愛你的媽咪
7:58p.m. 3/11/98
NooNoo has became one of our guardian angels